Static Line
Have you had a childhood dream of learning to skydive? This is where you want to be! Although a tandem skydive is a thrilling experience, some of us want to experience the sky on our own terms.
To make a static line jump, you must first take our first jump course. This is 6 hours of training spread between a Friday night and Saturday morning where we cover everything you need to know to exit our aircraft, operate your parachute, and fly yourself to a soft landing.
You'll have the pride of knowing that you just jumped from a plane on your own accord, landed safely, and if you so choose, are well on your way to becoming a fully licensed skydiver.
The course cost covers all your training, club dues for the current semester, and your first jump. Please view our FAQ page for more information.
The Class
In this two day, six hour course, you will be taught and be required to demonstrate the skills necessary to perform a skydive by yourself. These skills include:
- Identification and purpose of parachute and harness system components
- Specific methods for entering and exiting the aircraft
- Identification and the correction of potential problems
- How to control your parachute after deployment
- How to ensure a safe, injury-free landing
At the end of the course, you will be ready to make your first jump under the watchful eye of our United States Parachute Association (USPA) certified instructors.
The Jump
At approximately 3,500 ft, you will be attached to the airplane by a static line. As you let go of the airplane, the static line will deploy your parachute. Once your parachute is open, an instructor will guide you to the ground via a radio in your helmet. Your training will provide you with the confidence to make your first skydive a safe and thrilling experience!
Once back on the ground, you may be able to make another jump if time allows after everyone has gone once. You are welcome to hang around the DZ, observe the experienced jumpers in the natural habitat, and join us at Joe Snuffy's or La Fiesta afterwards. (both located in Abilene)
Class Schedule
Typically the class starts off on a Friday evening in a classroom setting, continues the following Saturday morning at the airport for hands-on-practical training, and finishes Saturday afternoon when you land safely from your first skydive.
We schedule classes at the beginning of every college semester as well as a couple classes during the summer months. Should the interest arise, we can also organize a special class for large groups who wish to take the course together. Please contact us at if you want to do this.
Further Training
The Static Line Course is the first step towards becoming a licensed skydiver. Our training program consists of a series of jumps that introduce you to the skills the skills necessary to safely skydive without the aid of an instructor. Once you obtain your license, you will be free to pursue the many aspects of skydiving at virtually any dropzone in the world!
Age and Weight Limits
You must be 18 or older to skydive. Several years ago, the age was 16 with parental consent. Because parental waivers didn't hold up under some state laws, the United States Parachute Association has changed its stance on under aged skydiving.
Our brand new fleet of student harnesses is certified under Technical Standards Order c23b which specifies a maximum exit weight of 254 pounds. Subtracting the weight of the gear, this allows the jumper to legally be no heavier than about 220 pounds. If you are between 220 and 230, talk to us.

Hanging from the wing strut